facebook's posts
Do You Have An Amazon Wish List ? Why Yes We Do @ https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/registry.html?ie=UTF8&type=wishlist&id=UDC3VX6WUICE * We are Updating Our Web Site With A Brand
New Look & Feel. It will be a few week before we launch it, yet as I'm working on it , I will be sharing tidbits from
the new web site. Enjoy. Do You Have An Amazon Wish List ? Why Yes We Do ! Please consider giving a gift ,to the 2nd Chance Special Need kitties at Puffy Paws, from their kitties Amazon Wish List. From cat food, toys, cat tunnels and everyday household cleaning products, which we use, to keep the Haven spotless
and odor free, their is gift on the list to fit everyone's budget. We can never thank you enough for being so
kind to the 200 Special Needs kitties that call Puffy Paws Kitty Haven home.

Do You Participate In The Amazon Smiles Program ? Yes We Do. Click
the link to get started in naming Puffy Paws Kitty Haven as your charity at AmazonSmile * We are Updating Our
Web Site With A Brand New Look & Feel. It will be a few week before we launch it, yet as I'm working on it , I will
be sharing tidbits from the new web site. Enjoy. Do You Participate In The Amazon Smiles Program ? Why Yes We
Do !!! Give back while you shop! AmazonSmile is a simple
way for you to help support the kitties at Puffy Paws. AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products,
prices, and shopping features as Amazon. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile
Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to Puffy Paws Kitty Haven. On your first
visit to AmazonSmile smile.amazon.com, you need to select Puffy Paws Kitty Haven to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping.
Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation for the kitties at Puffy Paws.

BREAKING MEWS - Coming Soon In The Fall of 2018. The Pop Culture Antique Museum On-Line Store. Puffy Paws Kitty Haven will be selling on-line in their very own, on-line store. With over 2,000 sq feet
of highly collectible goods in The Pop Culture Antique Museum , we have decided that we can generate much needed funds,
by putting much of the contents from the Pop Culture Antique Museum, on the our brand new on-line store.
Please sign up now so you can be the first to know when our on-line store is open @ https://thepopcultureantiquemuseum.com/password The Pop Culture Antique Museum On-Line Store. A
Paradise for Freaks, Geeks, and Gamers. The Pop Culture
Antique Museum on-line store is like taking a trip down Memory Lane.
We have a hodgepodge of collectibles from times gone by, and a lot of the stuff is hard to find anywhere else in one
place. We have that prefect gift available for that someone who has everything.
The Pop Culture Antique Museum: "Where Your Childhood Memories
Come Alive"
Now we can sell to a world
wide audience along with creating awareness on a brand new Puffy Paws ,YouTube Channel, highlighting the strange and
unique items we have in the Museum ,from eras gone by. How Kitty Kat Cool Is That ?
Watch - "Hanging With The Kitties ". Every Sunday. Showtime: 10:30pm - 11:00pm. on fb live. Starring Those Loveable Kooky Adoptable & Special Need Kitties at Englewood, Florida’s “ World’s Greatest Cathouse ”, Puffy Paws Kitty
Haven. Hosted By Rick “ Catman ” Kingston. Join Rick & The Kitties Every Sunday on facebook Live. Check Out The Archive Shows @ http://puffypawskittyhaven.com/id481.html.
" Bedtime Stories For Kitties " Coming Soon On Puffy Paws TV Start
Date To Be Announced... Starring Those Loveable Kooky Adoptable & Special Need Kitties at “ World’s Greatest Cathouse ” On facebook, Instagram & YouTube Live. Showtime: 10:00pm - 10:30pm. Hosted By Rick “ Catman ”
Kingston. Join Rick Every Sunday As He Reads Delightful https://www.facebook.com/TheWorldsGreatestCathousePuffyPawsKittyHaven/posts/10156446074237384
" Bedtime Stories For Kitties " Coming Soon On Puffy Paws TV Start Date To Be Announced...
Starring Those Loveable Kooky Adoptable & Special Need Kitties at Englewood,
Florida’s “ World’s Greatest Cathouse ” Puffy Paws Kitty Haven On facebook,
Instagram & YouTube Live. Every Sunday... Showtime: 10:00pm - 10:30pm. Hosted By Rick “ Catman
” Kingston. Join Rick Every Sunday As He Reads Delightful Stories To The Kitties.
facebook Live Click on the Picture on the right to go to the facebook video
archives, to watch previous shows. "
Bedtime Stories For Kitties " Coming Soon On Puffy Paws TV Start Date To Be Announced...
Starring Those Loveable Kooky Adoptable & Special Need Kitties at Englewood, Florida’s “ World’s Greatest Cathouse ” Puffy
Paws Kitty Haven On facebook
Live. Every Sunday... Showtime: 10:00pm - 10:30pm. Hosted By Rick “ Catman ” Kingston. Join Rick Every Sunday As
He Reads Delightful Stories To The Kitties.

Instagram Live Click on the Picture on the right to go to the
Instagram archives, to watch previous shows.
Bedtime Stories For Kitties " Coming Soon On Puffy Paws TV Start Date To Be Announced...
Starring Those Loveable Kooky Adoptable & Special Need Kitties at Englewood, Florida’s “ World’s Greatest Cathouse ” Puffy
Paws Kitty Haven On facebook,
Instagram & YouTube Live. Every Sunday... Showtime: 10:00pm - 10:30pm. Hosted By Rick “ Catman
” Kingston. Join Rick Every Sunday As He Reads Delightful Stories To The Kitties.

YouTube Live Click on the Picture on the right to go to the YouTube
video archives, to watch previous shows. "
Bedtime Stories For Kitties " Coming Soon On Puffy Paws TV Start Date To Be Announced...
Starring Those Loveable Kooky Adoptable & Special Need Kitties at Englewood, Florida’s “ World’s Greatest Cathouse ” Puffy
Paws Kitty Haven On facebook,
Instagram & YouTube Live. Every Sunday... Showtime: 10:00pm - 10:30pm. Hosted By Rick “ Catman
” Kingston. Join Rick Every Sunday As He Reads Delightful Stories To The Kitties.

2018 Membership Drive 2018
Membership Drive - Help Puffy Paws Kitty Haven. Become A Member Today. Please Become A Member Today @ http://puffypawskittyhaven.com/id437.html With Your 1 x Annual Membership Donation You Will Receive 1) Bragging Rights That You Are A Member of “The
World's Greatest Cathouse " - Puffy Paws Kitty Haven 2) A Warm Fuzzy Knowing That You Are Helping Special Need
& Unwanted Kitties 3) An Opportunity To Send The Kitties Some Mad Kitty Love By
Signing the Kitties Membership Book Thank You & Mad Kitty Love: Rick & Chrissy & Da Kitties If Everyone
Did a Little There Would Be Little Left To Do ! Membership Levels - Gold Puffy
Paws $100 - Silver Puffy Paws - $50 - Bronze Puffy Paws - $25 Your membership will help with the funds needed to take
care of the kitties and guarantee the success of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven at a day at a time. When you become a member
you will get a warm fuzzy knowing you are directly responsible for saving the lives of the special need and unwanted kitties
In these hard economical times, we all know the personal sacrifices each and everyone of you make when you donate to the
kitties at Puffy Paws Kitty Haven and for this we will always be eternally grateful. Please only choose the membership
that your heart and budget can afford. Thank You Mad Kitty Love To You, Rick, Chrissy, & Da Kitties

Coupons Kitties Need Coupons
help so much in cutting the cost of the kitties daily supplies. It all adds up. Please Send Them Too : Puffy Paws Kitty Haven 270 Lakeview Lane Englewood, Florida 34223
Thank You Rick & Chrissy & Da Kitties. http://puffypawskittyhaven.com/id403.html
In Honor Of A Special Pet Or Special Person. Please Make Your Memorial Tribute Gift @ http://puffypawskittyhaven.com/id189.html HOW IT WORKS 1. Please Make A Memorial Tribute Gift of your choice. 2. Click
" Make A Memorial Tribute " Than Honor Your Love One 3. Click View To See Your Tribute Prayers
& Tears Rick & Chrissy & Da Kitties

Have You Thought About Leaving Puffy Paws In Your Will ? More information is
available @ http://www.puffypawskittyhaven.com/id407.html Planned Giving Is Investing in the Future of Puffy Paws Kitty Haven Which Assures the Security and Survival of All
The Special Need & Unwanted Kitties That Are Living Out Their Life's At Puffy Paws Kitty Haven. A planned gift
is one which you make during your lifet ime but which is not received by Puffy Paws Kitty
Haven until a future date. It could offer financial benefits to you, the investor, now while you are living.
Did you know there are planned gifts that you can make and enjoy certain IRS tax benefits now while having the joy of knowing
you are under girding the future of these precious special needs kitties. Please contact your Law Firm for further
guidance or please contact ours: Dawn Marie Bates-Buchanan, Esq. 941-749-3015. Puffy Paws Kitty Haven's contact
number 941-623 -8904. Thank You So Much Mad Kitty Love Rick & Chrissy & Da Kitties