Any Amount You Would Like By Clicking On The Gold

Sign Up For Our Updates & SOS's

ARE YOU A 5O1 (c) (3) non-profit ? Yes we are. Since 2006.

Englewood, Florida’s “World’s Greatest Cathouse,“ Puffy
Paws Kitty Haven is 501(c)(3) a non-profit, no-kill cat hospice and rescue specializing in providing quality and loving care
to special needs cats and finding homes for the adoptable kitties under their care. Puffy Paws cares for kitties with feline
leukemia, FIV, feral cats, unadoptable kitties, one eye cats, senior kitties, kitties that do not use their litter box, abused
kitties, cats with neurological disorders, abused kitties and more - basically unwanted and unadoptable kitties that would
be euthanized elsewhere.
Click Here To View Our IRS Determination Letter For Our Non Profit Status
Click Here To View Our Non Profit Papers With The Florida Department of State - Division of Corporations.
Click Here To View IRS Form 990 For 2014
Click Here To View IRS Form 990 For 2015
Click Here To View IRS Form 990 For 2016
Click Here To View IRS Form 990 For 2017

Do You Have Pictures of The
Kitties ? Yes. Over 30,000 pictures
of the kitties and our daily adventures on the kitties facebook photo page. We update daily.
Do You Have Videos of The
Kitties ?
Thinking Outside The Kitty
Litter Box
Since 2009,
Puffy Paws is the first rescue in the area that features adoptable & special needs kitties LIVE on The Internet.
If You Missed The Kitties Live
You Can Always Watch The Archive Shows.
Please Call Rick at 941 623 -8904 to set up a play
date with any of
the adoptable kitties of your dreams, you see. All
play dates will be held at The Business Center office.

Have you ever sought help from Jackson Galaxy?
Unfortunately we have not. We need to look into how to do it. Yet in 2013 Puffy Paws was one of the 10 finalist, of $1,000 Catification
Shelter Makeover giveaway. We made it to 2nd place, out of 325 Shelters
nation wide and in getting in the top ten, was Pawsome. This was Puffy
Paws first year in the contest.
All in all, we got the top prize of them all. The
love and respect of the kitty lovers world wide acknowledging Chrissy and I ,hard work ,day in and
day out, in taking care of two hundred special needs and unwanted kitties by ourselves, with no help from our local
community. Finalists
were competing to win $1,000 of wooden Cat Furniture and a consultation with Jackson Galaxy and
catification expert Kate from Hauspanther.
When Power, Money
And Prestige Is Involved
Their Will Always Be
Evil Dirty Deeds. Yes. Locally and other groups , nationaly on fb. To no avial. When anyone reaches out for the hand of help from Chrissy and I ,we reach out to
Who are we to say "No' to a fellow rescue organization ,when they need
help from the kitty lovers of the world to take care of the kitties under there care.
Many years ago Puffy Paws was struggling so bad that we asked other big time rescues, on fb, if they can post a
plea for help from us.
We were in shocked that they told us "
No" , that they will not help us. One big times fb recuse even told us to get rid of the cats, which
would have been a death sentence, cause we could not afford them.
Looking back ,they were afraid
that they would lose donors from their fb page to Puffy Paws.
Human Greed was the issue at hand. Very few people know of this story until now. We will not name the two big time rescues that outright
said "No".
Due to the fact we do not want to embarrassed them of their selfish ways when
it comes to helping the little rescues.
Yet Chrissy and I were devastated and improvised, adapted
and overcame.
We stared to boost our facebook post to reach the kitty lovers of the world and years
latter the doors are still open.
Locally we asked
for help from the local rescues, it was a complete disaster.
We were threaten with calls to animal control, if
we did not do it their way.
The organizer was a wolf in sheep clothing and wanted us to get rid of all but 25 of
the kitties. She wanted to put healthy kitties in the woods in a feral cat colony. She went on the local news and defamed Puffy Paws and said " Without the possibility of killing , to reduce the number
of kitties.
She even applied for grant money for herself, if she was successful in taking the kitties, she would
have received the funds.
She spoke with a fork tongue and we threw her and her volunteers off
the property the next day.
She kept all the donations of medical supplies, that was for Puffy Paws, estimate value
was $2,000.00 She retaliated by calling animal control to no avail and board members.
When the local news
aired the segment , Puffy Paws was destroyed locally. We lost local donors and never recoup our solid reputation locally. All Chrissy and I did was ask for help from the local rescue community and it was a disastrous outcome.
Yet Mad Kitty Love prevailed from the kitty lovers around the world and the doors are still open till this day just by asking
for help when the kitties need it.
Please check out the kitties Amazon Wish List by clicking on the blue box.

AVERAGE DAILY COST $275.00 - $300.00
Depending What Is Needed For The Day

CAT LITTER (Minimum) TIDY CATS LITTER - 600 pounds a day 20 bags a
day at $6.79 each = $135.80
* 2 Bleach $3.32 * Bounty Paper Towels-12 Rolls - $15.49 Publix Black Garbage Bag $ 5.99 * 12 Gallons of Publix Purified Wate $8.28 *
4 Bags: Friskies Party Mix Cat Treats: - 6 oz bag $13.16 * 1 Publix Brand - Chocolate Plus Balanced Nutritional Drink
- $6.99 Chrissy drinks them through out the day to
keep her healthy and weight on as she works up to 20 hours day
WEEKLY SUPPLIES FROM PUBIX AND OR DOLLAR GENERAL STORE: $72.95 (Minimum) * Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent, Clean Breeze Scent, HE, 96 Loads - 150 oz jug - $19.99 2x a Week: $39.98 * Downy Ultra Infusions Fabric Softener: $7.99 2X a Week: $15.98 * Green Scubbies: 4 pack 1 a week $2.99 * Vacuum Bags 2 A Day @ $2 A Pack
- $14.00 A week

Q: WHY DO YOU USE TIDY CATS CAT LITTER ? A. We have been saving kitties for 18 years and the last 8 years, we have been non-profit.We have used every cat
litter under the sun over the past 18 years, including pine and Tidy Cats works best for us with being a Cat Hospice with
200 kitties under our care. Puffy Paws cares
for kitties with feline leukemia, FIV, feral cats, unadoptable kitties, one eye cats, senior kitties,
kitties that do not use their litter box, abused kitties, cats with neurological disorders, abused
kitties and more - basically unwanted and unadoptable kitties that would be euthanized elsewhere.
Not every cat stool is the same with being a Cat Hospice and each individual
issues the kitties have.
With Tidy Cats the dustless factor is huge
and it works out to 3 pound of litter per cat, per day. The other non leading brands ruined the Haven with the cat litter
dust. Chrissy works with it 24/7 ,the kitties poop, she scoops. This is why their is no odor in the Haven with 200 cats. It is also a heath issue with Chrissy and the kitties from the cat litter dust, think black lung disease. Tidy Cats holds the odor unlike the other brands we used and becasue of Chrissy's hard work each and everyday.

Is Is What The Local & National Media Has Been Saying About Puffy Paws Kitty Haven. " Puffy Paws is a Taj Mahal For
Kitties ".Dee Anne Roberts WENG Radio Host - All About Pets " The Cat’s Meow of Nonprofit Organizations" Alissa
Wolf from about.com Josh Taylor from ABC 7 News has called Puffy Paws Kitty Haven " A Bed
& Breakfast For Cats ". Tami Patzer from the Gasparilla Gazette, wrote
" Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is immaculate and if all the cats hid under the bed, anyone
entering the home would have no clue cats even lived there. Stephen Baumann from the
Englewood Sun Herald wrote - You might think the Kingston household is a crowded, purring,
furry mess. It's not.The house is big enough, and the cats small enough, that everyone's got more than enough room
to stretch out, which is how cats spend much of their day anyhow.

With the Haven being 2 minutes away, from The Olde Englewood Publix, the
time factor of getting the litter every evening, along with the kitties daily supplies, works out for us. Publix has the Tidy Cats it stock for us all the time. The associates are very
helpful in loading the cat litter up everyday for us and the management works their butt off, making sure it is in stock
for the kitties at Puff Paws.
If you like to send coupons for Tidy
Cats when they have them please send them to: Puffy Paws Kitty Haven 270 Lakeview Lane, Englewood
Florida 34223. Thank You -Mad Kitty Love.

Unfortunately No. We have been down this road many times with these
very stores we support. They have deemed that Suncoast Humane Society and other rescues in the area is their choice of who
gets their broken bags and dented cans. Even tho Puffy Paws Kitty Have has put back in the local economy almost $1,000,000
back in their stores since 2006 but they still refuse to donate their broken goods. Its politics
at its worst. In addition to this very ugly fact we can not change the kitties diet due to the change it will put on their
digestive tract. Meaning the kitties will go into full blown diarrhea which will be very detrimental
to their health.
Why Are
The Kitties On A Premium Cat Food ?

We switched the kitties diet out of necessity to a premium cat food, years ago.We had them on Friskies. it was not working out anymore for the kitties.
What eventually happened was,
Friskies was like Chinese food or Taco Bell to the kitties. They will eat and eat, 70 pounds a day, and not get filled up.
Being a Cat Hospice for Special Needs and unwanted kitties, we had to change their diet immediately. In reality, it was never cheaper having the kitties on a diet that was not a premium one. Please do not forget, a healthy diet meant less
sick kitties at the vet throughout the years since the change over. Puffy Paws Kitty Haven buys the cat food once a week from the wholesaler Phillips Pet Food
& Supplies. We do not pay retail.
Phillips Pet Food & Supplies has been a family owned and operated business
since 1938.
is the premier pet food and pet supply distributor with 12 distribution centers, and it is C.O.D every Friday.
Puffy Paws Kitty Haven saves
over $10,000.00 a year buying the kitty food wholesale instead of retail like we used to do.
So, it was never cheaper having the kitties on on a diet that was not a premium one.
This was the best decision to make in order to continue our mission here at Puffy Paws Kitty
Haven in keeping the special need kitties and unwanted kitties under our care in the best health possible.
As you know, Puffy Paws cares for kitties with feline
leukemia, FIV, feral cats, unadoptable kitties, one eye cats, senior kitties, kitties that do not use their litter box,
cats with neurological disorders, abused kitties and more - basically unwanted and unadoptable kitties that would be euthanized
elsewhere, and the premium cat food, fits all their nutritional needs.
Being a Cat Hospice for Special Needs and unwanted kitties, we had to change
their diet in order to have the kitties in the best ultimate health.


The main reason for the cost of power of
Puffy Paws is that we have two Florida brick & stucco building.
We have had FPL out twice to do a energy audit
to find out why the bills are so high.
Here at Puffy Paws we specialize in taking care of special needs kitties
that would have been euthanized else were simply because someone would have deemed them to be unadoptable.
We are
set up to handle the different medical concerns the kitties have by separating them into their very own living quarters. We
have two building with their own AC units.
We have the 2000 sq foot " Haven Home " which has our healthy
adoptable kitties, and our permanent residence who have physical, emotional and behavioral problems. Upon
advisement from FPL and Merill's AC, who provides their services call for free and works on the AC for free. We replaced the
main AC Unit in the Haven almost three years ago and added new insulation in the attic. Last year we replaced the A-Coil in
the main unit also because they only last three years at Puffy Paws. We added five window units in the main Haven, to take pressure off of the main unit with cooling
and circulation, during Hurricane
Season we may run off generators,in case of any power lost, due to Tropical Storms and hurricanes. Generators are still needed
2nd building is 800 sq foot. 400 sq foot of it is solely use for the kitties with feline leukemia, which we have nick named
" The Kitty Angel Club " because all the precious fur-babies are living angels who are living out their lives.
We replaced the main unit with two wall units for cooling and circulation.
In Closing
With cooling and proper circulation of air, at Puffy Paws, we have done every thing we can to get the bills lower yet
their is no way to get around that we are cooling and having proper circulation of two building with 200 kitties living life
to the fullest,24/7. I hope this helps you to understand why the bills are what they are and what we have done over the years to improve
the situation for the health and well being with cooling and proper circulation for 200 kitties.
We appreciate any help that you
can give to today because with out power their will be no Puffy Paws.
Thank You For Understanding Rick &
Chrissy & Da Kitties
Take A Tour of The Outside of The Haven As Rick Explains The Cooling Situation We Have Before Us

Florida Power &
Lights $936.51
Due June 12th
Ways To Help Donate on-line here You May Pay FPL Directly By using Western Union
Speed Pay 1-800-979-3967
Name: Christine Ann Kingston Account Number: 594 951 9424 Service Address: 270 Lakeview
Ln Englewood FL, 34223

Q. Do you post operating expenses on-line when they are paid.
A. Yes we do. Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is the only local recuse that post operating expenses on-line when they are paid. The Cat Food
Bills, Vet Bills and Power Bills & The Business Center Rent. We post then on the kitties facebook page and you
can see years of them them @ https://www.facebook.com/TheWorldsGreatestCat…/photos_stream
Also we send them out, to the kitties world wide family via our SOS's and updates, we send out each week. The kitty lovers of the world deserve to see where their hard earn donations go.
We believes in 100% transparency in all of our dealings. Chrissy and Rick do not
get paid. 100% of all donations goes into running Puffy Paws .
The priority
of incoming funds are in this order, the kitties daily needs, vet care and operating expenses. After that, funds are used
for the maintenance and improvement of the Haven for the kitties and the care and maintenance of the vehicles. Just by asking for help when the kitties need it. The unwanted & special need kitties are blessed
to have a world wide family that loves them ever so much. Thank You !! The
operating expense page @ http://www.puffypawskittyhaven.com/id353.html is designed to let the whole world know were their donations go and why and when they are needed each and every month.

Please click the picture
to see some of the pictures of suscesefull
adoptions back in the day. In the Spring of 2007 - Puffy Paws Kitty
Haven started its adoption program. Since than we have found over 350 kitties "Fur-Ever"
homes ! Before the Fall of 2009 times were good. We had over 350 adoptions
in a very short amount of time by hosting
a Open House three times a week at the Haven.
Inviting prefect strangers into their home
so the adoptable kitties may find a “Fur
- Ever” home to qualify applicants.
350 did ! Rick was making a great name
for Puffy Paws
and raising funds in the community
while at the same time, Rick
could not believe the high euthanasia
rate of adoptable pets, corruption
and the misappropriations
of funds that where suppose to go for the animals
but instead went
into high administrative cost and huge salaries
by the other animal organizations in the
area. All protected by a good old boy network.
spoke out for the voiceless animals that could not With hard
in hand all backed up by government documents. Rick contacted
the local newspaper , government
agencies, wrote letters to the
editors , that were
But then when Rick aided in bringing the news of the alleged corruption to a Fort Meyers
TV station, payback was inevitable.

The Article
to read the full story and more and to understand why payback was
in the cards.
Rick received
a phone call
10 days before code enforcement
came out to shut Puffy Paws down,
that the good old
boy network was looking into
calling code enforcement to shut the Haven down.
Not caring
if the cats lived or died.

phone call to code shut the Haven down. So now folks can not
adopt straight from the Haven. But that has never stop us trying
to find the adoptable cats fur-ever homes.
Per Code - You can not run a
business from a residential home - NO FOOT TRAFFIC. Please click on the article for the full story.

these people did by calling code to shut us down was put
the burden of taking care of the
kitties on the
shoulders of one small woman with
the inner strength of a 1000 men - Chrissy Kingston.
Chrissy works
in pain everyday with her
rheumatoid arthritis. She
is under a Doctor's care but it is getting
worst as the days goes on. She suffers in silence on most
Yet Chrissy
makes the best of everyday and
gives it her all by working
long hours.
Up to 16 -20 hours on most days.
Please click
on Chrissy to read the full story.
We can have family and friends
at the Haven but so far no one wants to help cleaning cat poo. If someone
wants to help they have to start at the Business Center and become
a true friend.

Chrissy and Rick are realy are two man
band runiing Puffy Puffy Paws.
Here is a typical day at Puffy Paws for Rick & Chrissy
Chrissy hauls in 600 pounds of
cat litter around the Haven daily & takes in back out. She washes
over 20 cat litter boxes
daily.Every four hours she puts out the wet cat food at 10 feeding stations, She
vacuum & mops and
dust daily. She gives out meds. She brushes the kitties. She tends to the sick ones.
She runs to the Vet and the store
for supplies too. She does this day in and day out Rick has to raise the $30,000 in monthly
operating expenses to keep the doors open at Puffy Paws.
One phone call to code shut the Haven down.
So now folks can not adopt straight
from the Haven. But that has never stop us trying
to find the adoptable cats fur-ever homes. On most days they work
up to 16-20 hours
a day to accomplish this. Rick runs the Business
Center. He raises funds on-line. Runs
to the Vet. He is the kitties Web Master.
He does all the graphic art
work. Rick updates on fb and onother social media
sites. He picks up the kitties daily supplies when needed,
he pay the bills. Rick puts out the SOS's
for help. He puts out all the
fires that pop up daily. Rick is Chrissy's venting
post. Rick is the fixer.
With a grueling schedule
and the stress of raising funds and taking care
of the kitties, the Kingstons
go on only by the grace of God and the charity
of the kitty lovers through
out the World. Now that is the power of mad kitty love !

Improvise , Adapt and Overcome: Finding The Kitties Fur-Ever Home. One phone call to code shut the Haven down. So now folks can not adopt straight from the Haven.
But that has never stop us trying to find the adoptable cats fur-ever homes.
After the ban we had to work harder. We than had the adoptable kitties at PetSmart in Port Charlotte.But that did not work
work cause our kitties were not used to cages and we discontinue the program and the cost was high with driving to
the next Town over. Than we put on adoption events at Mike's Pet Store,which is now out of business, on Saturdays
and the other recuse groups in the area with the strong support of the local media , purposely scheduled adoptions events
the same day as ours. Which meant ours were a bust. After that we even brought a RV for a mobile adoption unit
but that did not work out. It was a lemon .... Watch the SNN6 News Story by clicking on the video box on the
But that has
never stop us from looking for a way to adopt the kitties out and in the Spring of 2014 we found what we were looking for.

After that we even brought a RV for a mobile adoption unit but that did not work out. It was
a lemon .... Watch the SNN6 News Story by clicking on the YouTube box on the right.
that has never stop us from looking for a way to adopt the kitties out and in the Spring of
2014 we found what we were looking for.

is a 1977 aluminum step van. The engine is
a 1977 350 Olds Rocket with a Edelbrock ,4 barrel Performance Carburetor with dual exhaust glasspacks. Our adoption & education program will soon be back and we are
taking it on the road. ( Fall of 2018 ) We will also be implementing
a traveling educational program for the public that special
kitties needs needs special people ,to give the hard to adopt kitties
fur-ever homes. We have waited many years and now sweet revenge
is ours by good living. When " The Catmobile ", is on the road
and up to the kitties standard, we will be
turning heads no matter where we go.

We are going
to have adoptions events and create awareness by traveling to major events in town
and Southwest Florida, such as Pioneer Days, once we done remodeling
We will be implementing a traveling educational program: Special Needs Kitties
For Special People. She
should be completed by the end of Summer of 2018 and ready for mobile cat adotions in
the Fall, when the weather is cooler, with your help.
Yet funds are needed for a roof
top AC to complete, The Catmobile to make it kitty worthy -
Thank You !!!

We even reached out to local churches to hold adoption events at their churches, after services
and not one church responded .
Check out the
News Story on the right
We even wrote a letter to the editor asking for the community help, back in 2011.
No one called.
My wife and I are only two people running Englewood, Florida's
"World's Greatest Cathouse." Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is
a 501(c) (3) non-profit, no-kill cat hospice & rescue specializing
in providing quality and loving care to special
needs cats; we have 100 adoptable kitties that need homes.
Our current help consists of a few volunteers and the court ordered
Community Service Personnel. These people
are folks who got into trouble and are trying to pay their debts to society.
We have been begging this community for help
for years with adoptions , PR, and fund-raising events.
We finally have a handful of volunteers
who put on a monthly adoption event but that is not enough; we need
more people.
the Humane Society and other rescue groups in the area enjoy paid employees and
a host of volunteers, we do not.
We do not get paid; 100% of all donation goes to the
kitties and the operating expenses. Are books are open
to the public.
Last year I raised $144,000 by myself, just by asking for help
and $125,000 of that came from kitty lovers from around the world
donating through Paypal.
The very sad reality is that the only ones
who suffered were the community cats that we could not help
because we could not take them in and find homes.
can change all of this by volunteering your time. For more information
call 941-623-8904 or go to our website.
Co-Founder Puffy Paws Kitty Haven NOT
ARE LOCAL PLEASE CONSIDER We in dire need is a volunteer coordinator to recruit
volunteers for and to over see the following. Adoption Events (AE) volunteers
staff our adoption events, assisting with set-up, break-down
and during event activities such as socializing
and sitting with the kitties and providing information regarding our adoption
procedures and our organization. AE volunteers assist potential adopters
with the adoption process. AE volunteers are needed
as events are scheduled.
PR Information Tables Volunteers ( PRIT ) are needed to table
at various events in the Tri - County area throughout
the year. Volunteers are responsible for set up, break down,
and presentation of informational materials during the
events. Volunteers should feel comfortable presenting information and fielding inquiries
about Puffy Paws. PRIT volunteers
are needed as events are scheduled. Event Planning/Fund-raising
Volunteers are always needed to assist in increasing our
visibility and to contribute to our fund-raising efforts. Volunteers
are needed to cold-call potential donor sources, as well as assist our Fund-raising
team in planning events. If
you have experience in event planning or fundraising, please join our team!

Thinking Outside The
Kitty Litter Box
Since 2009, Puffy Paws is the
first rescue in the area that features adoptable & special needs kitties LIVE on The Internet.
If You Missed The Kitties Live You Can Always Watch The
Archive Shows.
Please Call Rick
at 941 623 -8904 to set up a play
date with any of
the adoptable kitties of your dreams, you see. All
play dates will be held at The Business Center
If you're you
looking for a new family member ?
a kitty you
see on Puffy Paws TV
? Call us at 941- 623 - 8904 and we we will set up a Play
date down at
the Business Center. Check out our kitties adoption page.
Check out Puffy Paws adoption
policy. http://www.puffypawskittyhaven.com/id147.html If you seen a kitty on the the TV Show, the kitties facebook page , all
you have to do is pick up the phone and
call us 941-623-8904
and set up a play-date.
Please keep in mind its Chrissy
and Rick that are doing the job of 20. Through
out the years they have been doing all they can in finding homes
for the adoptable kitties under
their care.

WHY DO YOU SEND OUT SO MANY SOS EMAILS ASKING FOR HELP IN ONE DAY ? We send out multiply emails to reach the donors who reside all over the world in different time zones. and to reach
the goal for what is needed for the kitties. As soon as enough funds are donated we stop sending emails out that day. Without no local support. Please read Love vs Hate to understand why we have no local support, so we have to send out the emails like we
do in order to keep the doors open. Love vs Hate http://www.puffypawskittyhaven.com/id455.html As you know .... Puffy Paws cares for kitties with feline leukemia,
FIV, feral cats, unadoptable kitties, one eye cats, senior kitties, kitties that do not use their litter box, abused kitties,
cats with neurological disorders, abused kitties and more - basically unwanted and unadoptable kitties that would be euthanized
elsewhere. The Majority of the fund Are Donated By The Kitties Lovers Through Out The World. Just by asking for help when the kitties need it. It cost well over $30,000.00
a month to run Puffy Paws Kitty Haven.
$41.09 a hour every single day, 365 days
a year. Funds
are like the tide over here at Puffy Paws. Funds in and funds out. Last year in 2015:
$333,000.00 was donated. Of the $333,0000.00 - $308,835.83 of that was donated via PayPal,
by the kitty lovers of the world. The remaining
amount was donations via checks. The
priority of incoming funds are in this order, the kitties daily
needs, cat food, vet care and operating expenses. After that, funds
are used for the maintenance and improvement of the Haven for the kitties
and the care and maintenance of the vehicles.
Just by asking for
help when the kitties need it.
The unwanted & special need kitties are blessed to have a world wide family that
loves them ever so much. Thank
You !!! Puffy Paws Kitty Haven believes in 100% transparency in all of our
dealing. Chrissy and Rick do not get paid. 100% of all donations goes for the kitties daily needs and operating expenses.
The operating expense page is designed to let the whole world know were their donations go and why and when they are needed
each and every month. In addition to this Puffy Paws books are open to the public, upon request. Operating Expenses Page http://www.puffypawskittyhaven.com/id353.html Your caring, sharing, praying, sending power of light and love makes the kitties world go
around and donating only when feasible We always say to the kitties donors please only give what your heart and budget can
afford. We know not everyone can help when we ask. If we did not ask for help in sending out
the SOS's emails and updates the way we do, the doors of Puffy Paws would have been closed a long time ago. We are ever so grateful for your help. I know all those emails are pain yet we have
to do it this way to keep the doors open here at Puffy Paws. Thank you for your understanding,
we had very limited success with applying for grants. We found out that the larger grants are generally reserved for recuse
groups that have a high adoption rates and TnR programs. Since we are a
Cat Hospice we did not qualified.
Click To See Grants We Applied For and Letters of Enquiry
not.We have more than a Thrift Shop. We have The Pop Culture Antiques Museum to try to raise funds locally. Yet with no local volunteers and help from the community we live in, The Pop Culture Antique Museum is open by appointment
only and on Sundays; 11am -4pm.

When you are in Englewood a must shopping trip is at - The Pop Culture Antique Museum. It is like taking
a trip down Memory Lane. We have a hodgepodge of collectibles from times gone
by and a lot of the stuff is hard to find anywhere else in one place.
We have that prefect gift
for that someone who has everything. The kitties, The Pop Culture Antique Museum is
where the kool kats shop.
See why its a blast from the past and
why ....
" Where Your Childhood Memories Come Alive "
HOURS: By appointment only. Please call first:
941-623-8904 to set up an appointment to shop
Thank You Da Kitties

We are happy to announce The Pop Culture Antique Museum, is now by appointment through out the week. Please call Rick at 941-623 -8904 to set an appointment. Currently
their is over 2,000 sq feet of highly collectible goods in The Pop Culture Antique Museum. Also we have decided that we can
generate more funds by putting much of the contents from the Museum, on the Puffy Paws Crazy GiveAway Page for a donation
to a world wide audience along with creating awareness on Puffy Paws,YouTube Channel, highlighting the strange and unique
items we have in the Museum ,from eras gone by. Check out the kitties new fundraising
page on facebook to entice kitty lovers from around the world to donate to the kitties by offering
cool items from The Pop Culture Antique Museum..
Right Now. With time being very limited for Chrissy and Rick. We are in need of a volunteer to list for us. We have the Puffy Paws Crazy GiveAway & Auction Page. This is the Puffy Paws Kitty Haven's fundraising page to entice kitty lovers from around the world to donate
to the kitties.

their is over 2,000 sq feet of highly collectible goods in The Pop Culture Antique Museum. Also we have decided
that we can generate more funds by putting much of the contents from the Museum, on the Puffy
Paws Crazy GiveAway & Auction Page ,for a donation to a world wide audience along with creating
awareness on Puffy Paws,YouTube Channel, highlighting the strange and unique items we have in
the Museum ,from eras gone by. Check out the Puffy Paws Crazy GiveAway & Auction Page
on facebook, (by clicking the picture above) so we
can entice kitty lovers from around the world to donate to the kitties by offering cool items
from The Pop Culture Antique Museum..
DO YOU SELL ON eBay ? No we do not due to eBay's policy
of locking up PayPal accounts.

Puffy Paws Business Center Rent
The 3rd of Every Month. $644 A Month For Four Units & $260 For Electric
Puffy Paws Business Center:
The Business
Business Center servers many functions and encompasses all of our business
activities. We purchase the cat food wholesale and that is a savings of over $10,000 a year. Phillips
Pet supply will not delivered to the Haven since we are in a residential neighborhood.

We can not do any business at the Haven
since it is in a residential neighborhood No business activities
per code enforcement. We can not have foot
traffic at the Haven. All the owners give ups are conducted at the Business
Center. We use the Business Center
office as the off site quarantine room, which we were able to save 100's of kitties through out the years because
we could quarantine them at the Center's office. If we did not have the Business Center office those kitties will be dead because
we could not take them in.

The Business enter
is where our business office is. The on-line fundrasing
is conducted at the Center's offce.
We are not a traditional
rescue and our fund raising is anything but traditional.
The Majority of the
fund Are Donated By The Kitties Lovers Through Out The World.
Just by asking for
help when the kitties need it.
Last year in 2015: $333,000.00 was donated. Of the $333,0000.00 - $308,835.83 of
that was donated via PayPal, by the kitty lovers of the world. The rest was checks and monetary donations
from the Pop Culture Antique Museum.
majority of these funds were raised at the Business Center's office.
The Pop Culture Antique
Museum ( $420 ) is located
at the business center.
Also the Shipping & Testing Station ( $95 ) ,
The craiglstlist sales showroom ( $68 )
& The Business Center Workshop ( $61 ) .
The Business Business Center servers many functions and encompasses
all of our business activities.

Not anymore. After three failed comedy shows
and a Gem & Jewelry Show and a Haunted Ice Cream Truck Halloween Show” and with limited local media support
and no volunteers, we stop trying. Prior Comedy Show Link: http://www.puffypawskittyhaven.com/id255.html Prior Gem & Jewelry Show Link @ http://crittercomments.com/fundraiser-for-puffy-paws/ Prior Haunted Ice Cream Truck Halloween Show @ http://www.englewoodedge.com/?s=Haunted+Ice+Cream+Truck+Show&Submit
(Please Copy & Paste The Link To View ) Unlike other Humane Societies and Rescues down here in SW Florida. We
are not afforded the luxury of local support because of all the rumors , lies and gossips ALL these groups have spread
about Puffy Paws through out the years. They did what they wanted to do - " They Destroyed Our
Reputation Locally ". And kept all the would be local supporters to themselves. For the full background story,
please read Love vs Hate @ http://www.puffypawskittyhaven.com/id455.html SHAME ON THEM ALL But they never counted on YOU.........
The doors are only open because of the kitty lovers around the world. We can never thank you enough for this. Yet Puffy
Paws will never get ahead like these other groups do on local support.
groups throw these huge parties / events that cost thousands of dollars to host and to put on The party / events is
covered by the ticket price of usually of $50 -$150 each. Than the music, booze
and food flows and at the end of the event, the checkbooks are broken out,and these events raise around $25,000 - $125,000.
Depending upon the group. With wine glasses in hand, their pictures, and a write up, of, what a great time was
had by all, usually hits the paper the following week. The reality of these parties / events, locally,
is that if you look at these groups IRS 990, and see what they pay themselves in salaries , all in the name of saving animals
you can easily see that the funds raised by these parties/ event can easily covers their salaries for the year.
So as we always say Don't be a dumb donor know where you dough goes and Puffy Paws provides that
on the kitties operating page @ http://www.puffypawskittyhaven.com/id353.html We are the only rescue locally that does this and than post pictures
of any major operating bill that was paid, for proof of payment, on the kitties facebook page and in our SOS's we send
out. I hope this help in why we will never get ahead on local support
from parties and events. Mad Kitty Love Rick Kingston Co -Founder
Puffy Paws Kitty Haven
Q. Why Do I See Puffy Paws In My facebook News Feed Every Week ?

A. Every
week we reach out to the kitty lovers of the world , so we can feed the kitties for the following week. Each and every week, we must ask the kitty lovers of the word for help, to feed the kitties, this is why you are seeing
us in your facebook news-feed.
We have no other options without local support ,the kitties daily survival depends upon the
charity of the kitty lovers around the world, each and everyday.. One of the main reason we can feed the
kitties is that we are boosting our fundraising posts on facebook every week. On Thursday and Friday. Puffy Paws Kitty Haven buys the cat food once a week from the wholesaler
Phillips Pet Food & Supplies
Phillips Pet Food & Supplies has been a family
owned and operated business since 1938.
Phillips is the premier pet food and pet supply distributor with
12 distribution centers and it is C.O.D every Friday. Puffy Paws
Kitty Haven saves over $10,000.00 a year buying the kitty food wholesale instead of retail like we used to. It will be such a disaster when Phillips Pet Food & Supply tries to delivered the food
on Friday and we can not pay for it. In the contract that we signed non payment of goods ordered
will be dealt with cancelling the account.
The kitties can not go on without cat food. That will be inhumane . If we failed at raising the funds for the kitties food there will be no other option but to close
down. What choice would we have? An entire cat hospice will be wiped out and only painful and sad stories will
be told because we could not round up the worldwide awareness and financial help these beautiful cats deserve. This is the only way and most cost effective way creating awareness and raising funds that is working for us,week after
week When we ask for help on facebook the whole world listens and helps by caring,sharing,sending power of
light and love,praying and donating when feasible.
Just by asking for help when
the kitties need it. We have done every thing we can to get the food cost, lower yet their is no way to get
around that we are taking care of 200 kitties who are living life to the fullest,24/7. I hope this helps you
to understand why we boost our posts every Thursday and Friday, for the cat food bill and how we raise the funds necessary
to feed 200 special needs kitties that no one wanted We can never thank you enough for all that you do for
the kitties at Puffy Paws. Thank you so very much. Mad Kitty Love

A. YES. DISCLAIMER The following is not an endorsement for Puffy Paws Kitty
Haven by Sarasota County Animal Control. It is however the truth and facts as they happened each
year and are public record.

Where Does My Donation
Go ? Dear Kitty Lovers of The World Puffy Paws
cares for kitties with feline leukemia,
FIV, feral
cats, unadoptable kitties, one eye cats, senior kitties,
kitties that
do not use their litter box, abused kitties,
cats with neurological disorders, abused kitties
and more - basically
unwanted and
unadoptable kitties that would be euthanized

Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is the only local recuse that post operating
expenses on-line when they are paid. The Cat Food Bills, Vet Bills and Power Bills & The Business Center Rent. We post them on the kitties facebook
page and you can see years of them
them by clicking on the picture (right) Also we send them out, to the kitties world wide family via our SOS's and updates, we send out
each week. The
kitty lovers of the world deserve to see where their hard earn donations go. We believes in 100% transparency in all of our
dealing It
cost well over $30,000.00 a month to run Puffy Paws Kitty Haven. $41.09 a hour every single day, 365 days a year. Funds are like the tide over here
at Puffy Paws. Funds in and funds out. Last year in 2017: $438,440.73 was donated.
Of the $438,440.73 - $412,576.17 of that was donated
via PayPal, by the kitty lovers of the world. The remaining amount was donations via checks. The remaining amount was donations
via checks. Chrissy
and Rick do not get paid. 100% of all donations goes into running Puffy Paws The priority of incoming funds are in this order,
the kitties daily needs, vet care and operating expenses. After that, funds are used for the maintenance and improvement of the Haven for the kitties
and the care and maintenance of the vehicles. Just by asking for help when the kitties need it. The unwanted & special need kitties are blessed
to have a world wide family that loves them ever so much. The operating expense page is designed to let the whole world
know were their donations go and why and when they are needed each and every month.

Any Amount You Would Like By Clicking On The Gold
