The Pop Culture Antique Museum

The Pop Culture Antique Museum
It is like taking a trip down Memory Lane.
We have a hodgepodge of collectibles from times gone by and a lot of the stuff is hard to find anywhere
else in one place. We have that prefect
gift available for that someone who has everything. The Pop Culture Antique Museum " Where Your Childhood Memories Come Alive "

Please keep in mind that nothing is for sale but every item in The Pop Culture Antique Museum is available for
folk's to have for a donation. Kind
of like what they do on the Public Board-casting TV Channels. (PBS). On TV when you make a
$50 dollar donation you get a coffee cup at The Pop Culture Antique Museum
we have a wide variety of strange and unique items to choose from.

Currently their is over 2,000 sq feet of highly collectible goods in The Pop Culture
Antique Museum. We have decided once we are able to find help in listing the items, we can generate additional funds, by putting
the contents from the Museum, on the Puffy Paws Crazy GiveAway Page, for a donation, to a world wide audience, along with
creating awareness on facebook, highlighting the strange and unique items we have in the Museum ,from eras gone by.
Check out
the kitties new fund-raising page
on facebook to entice kitty lovers from around the world to donate to the kitties by offering cool items from The Pop Culture Antique Museum. We will let everyone one know once we have. The Puffy Paws Crazy GiveAway & Auction page ,
up and running.

How To Find The -The Pop Culture Antique Museum
We are located off San Casa Drive
on Woodgate Ct. If you are in the Englewood's Walmart's
parking lot and are facing the far right hand entrance ,which is the Grocery entrance and next to the Liquor Store.
Look right and you will a set of storage units, we are the last unit on the left - Unit E.

DONATE YOUR UNWANTED GOODS TO The Pop Culture Antique Museum NATION & WORLDWIDE The Stranger The Better Also we are in need of any digital cameras, camcorders,
computers, lap tops, tablets, video games & systems, DVD's ,that you are no longer
Please send
them too: Puffy
Paws Kitty Haven 270 Lakeview Lane Englewood Florida 34223