I Love My Wife

I LOVE MY WIFE As you can image my wife and I relationship is put to the test each and everyday.We seldom see each
other. The time spent is brief and its between Chrissy scooping cat boxes ,cleaning and feeding the kitties.The ban of having no help is hard on my wife. She has lost her life.Her life is the kitties. Her unconditional
love for them enables her to move ahead everyday. It’s sometimes hard to accept the fact that the cats have to
come over our marriage in order to maintain a clean, safe environment for them. Because even tho I do not
have a traditional marriage to my wife were there is quality time spent together and all the perks and benefits one excepts
in a marriage there is a deep bond of love for her deep in my soul. She is my wife when I took my vows “For
better or for Worst” I vowed I will live by them until the day we are no more. I know I have many selfish
faults but each day I try to become a better man and I’m not always successful. That is why I try to put her needs
and the needs of the cats above my own selfish desires. My heart is in pain for Chrissy, the way she works non
stop, the powerlessness I feel because I can not seem to get any relieve for her daily drudgery. The physical
pain she endures on a daily basic with her rheumatoid arthritis and the 3 rupture discs in her back from 3 car wrecks ,
she was in when she was younger, brings to me to cry out to God and ask for mercy for her and I feel anger when none is given. She is a frail woman with the inner strength of a 1,000 men. I take the full blunt of her anger and
resentment she feels when life is overwhelming for her I long for the days that we may become one and share and laugh and cuddle
as a married couple. My daily actions speaks louder than my words. Because when I open up my mouth
over my own personal anger and resentments, I hurts the one I love. I pray for God to hold my tongue so that I may not increase
her burdens. But half the time it does not work. We put the kitties first. They are helpless and we are their
care givers. there are 200 hearts beats at stake here and that’s why we are one from afar. Rick Kingston Co-Founder